Results for 'Paolo A. Rossi'

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  1. Sulle ali del sogno.Paolo A. Rossi, Ida Li Vigni & Emanuela Miconi (eds.) - 2009 - Mimesis.
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  2. La Cultura Filosofica E Scientifica.Giovanna Castelli, Alberto Bergamaschi & Paolo A. Rossi - 1988 - Bramante.
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  3. Opera a Cura di Paolo Rossi.Giambattista Vico & Paolo Rossi - 1959 - Rizzoli.
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    Logic and the art of memory: the quest for a universal language.Paolo Rossi - 2000 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The mnemonic arts and the idea of a universal language that would capture the essence of all things were originally associated with cryptology, mysticism, and other occult practices. And it is commonly held that these enigmatic efforts were abandoned with the development of formal logic in the seventeenth century and the beginning of the modern era. In his distinguished book, Logic and the Art of Memory Italian philosopher and historian Paolo Rossi argues that this view is belied by (...)
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  5. La nuova ragione. Scienza e cultura nella società contemporanea.Paolo Rossi, Jean Dieudonné, René Thom, Clifford A. Truesdell, Tullio Regge, Ugo Amaldi, Enrico Bellone, Isabelle Stengers, Francisco J. Ayala, Vittorio Sgarabella, Yehuda Elkana, William Leiss, Saverio Avveduto, Abdul-Razzak Kaddoura & Mario Borillo (eds.) - 1981 - Scientia/Il Mulino.
  6. Il paradigma della riemergenza del passato in Omaggio a Norberto Bobbio.Paolo Rossi - 1989 - Rivista di Filosofia 80 (3):371-392.
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    La scienza e la filosofia dei moderni: aspetti della rivoluzione scientifica.Paolo Rossi - 1989
    Si tratta di una raccolta di saggi scritti tra il '65 e il '69 e pubblicati una prima volta nel 1971. Rivisti e parzialmente aggiornati vengono riproposti con la vecchia introduzione nella quale l'autore polemizza con le critiche della ragione scientifica che caratterizzarono alcuni aspetti della cultura del '68. Il primo saggio è dedicato al declino della astrologia all'inizio dell'età moderna; sottolineando il divario tra la concezione magica che caratterizza la visione astrologica del mondo e le posizione di quella che (...)
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    Che tipo di scienza è la scienza nuova di Vico?Paolo Rossi - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
    L’articolo si pone il problema del perché Vico avesse pensato alla sua impresa come ad una scienza e si fosse occupato di confrontarla con la scienza della natura. Si passano in rassegna l’uso di concetti come degnità, assiomi, postulati, tenendo fermo che Vico non fu né un cartesiano, né un galileiano, e come non si lasci racchiudere nelle gabbie dell’apriorismo e del platonismo: egli ha solo fatto sue alcune idee o tesi presenti entro quelle tradizioni. Vico si guarda bene dall’effettuare (...)
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    Clavis Universalis. Arti Mnemoniche E Logica Combinatoria Da Lullo a Leibniz.Paolo Rossi - 1960 - Ricciardi.
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    Retrograded to a shaman.Paolo Rossi - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia 99 (1):81-104.
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  11. Il Congresso internazionale dei fisici a Como.Paolo Rossi - 1927 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 19:461.
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    I segni del tempo: storia della terra e storia delle nazioni da Hooke a Vico.Paolo Rossi - 1979 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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    La rivoluzione scientifica da Coperinco a Newton.Paolo Rossi - 1973 - Torino,: Loescher.
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  14. Antimoderni: a destra, a sinistra.Paolo Rossi - 1988 - Rivista di Filosofia 79 (1):3.
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  15. Fatti scientifici e stili di pensiero: appunti intorno a una rivoluzione immaginaria.Paolo Rossi - 1981 - Rivista di Filosofia 21:403-28.
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  16. Clavis universalis, arts de la mémoire, logique combinatoire et langue universelle de Lulle à Leibniz, coll. « Krisis ».Paolo Rossi & Patrick Vighetti - 1995 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 185 (2):276-277.
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  17. Sul relativismo culturale, De Martino e l'Introduzione di Cases a "Il mondo magico".Paolo Rossi - 1975 - Rivista di Filosofia 2:165.
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  18. JAKUBISIAK A., "Essai sur les limites de l'espace e du temps". [REVIEW]Paolo Rossi - 1928 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 20:474.
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  19. EDDINGTON A. S., "The nature of phisical world". [REVIEW]Paolo Rossi - 1931 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 23:569.
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    Ius Fantozzi. Law in a Perfectly Deterministic World.Giuseppe Rossi - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (6):2247-2260.
    Taking hints from the Italian writer and comedian Paolo Villaggio’s works having the unlucky-to-the-utmost accountant Fantozzi as their hero, the essay tackles the issue of the role, and the possible foundations, of the law in the theoretical scenario of a perfectly deterministic world, where everything is determined by pre-set nexuses of cause-and-effect. Fantozzi is condemned by such an inescapable law of causation (Fate) to meet constant failure, in a social context structured along stiff hierarchies which are completely independent from (...)
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    Leibniz and the zenonists: A reply to Paolo Rossi.Richard Arthur - manuscript
    In a recent note in this review (Leibniz e gli Zenonisti, n. 3, 2001, pp. 15-22) Paolo Rossi stresses the importance of a philosophical sect that he claims has been unjustly ignored in accounts of the history of modern philosophy, the Jesuit philosophers of Louvain and Spain of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century known as the Zenonists. The occasion for his complaint is Massimo Mugnai’s admirable new introduction to Leibniz’s thought (Introduzione alla filosofia di Leibniz, Torino, (...)
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  22. Reaction to a recent article by Paolo Rossi on Leibniz and the followers of Zeno.M. Mugnai - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 56 (4):653-656.
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  23. Rossi, Paolo, Logic and the Art of Memory.J. Sutton - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (1):151-152.
    This translation of a classic and original work of intellectual history is beautifully done. Rossi’s book Clavis Universalis was first published in Italian in 1960, but Clucas translates the second, revised edition of 1983. The book is about Renaissance and 17th-century encyclopedism, hieroglyphics and cryptography, the techniques of artificial memory, the history of rhetoric, changes in views about logic and method in the scientific revolution, and new ideas about how language and images might reflect or capture reality. Frances Yates’s (...)
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    Abbri, F.–Segala, M., Segni e percorsi della modernità. Saggi in onore di Paolo Rossi, Arezzo, Università degli Studi di Siena, Dipartimento di studi storico-sociali e filosofici, 2000. Addante, P., La centralità della persona in Antonio Rosmini. Filoso-fia, etica, politica, diritto, Milazzo (Me), Edizioni Spes, 2000. [REVIEW]L. Bonesio, P. C. Bori, C. Carrara, F. Milano, E. Castellani, E. A. Colombo, P. Colonnello, Fm–Loche Crasta, A. Lussu & M. –Marcialis Mt - 2000 - Rivista di Filosofia 91 (3).
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  25. El Vico de Paolo Rossi.Franco Ratto - 1999 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 2 (12):361-367.
    Estudio bibliográfico de / A bibliographical study of: Paolo Rossi, Le sterminate antichità e nuovi saggi vichiani, La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1999, pp. 545.
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    Paolo Rossi, logic and the art of memory: The Quest for a universal language. Translated with an introduction by Stephen Clucas, London: The athlone press, 2000. Pp. XXVIII+333. Isbn 0-485-11468-2. 50.00. [REVIEW]John Henry - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Science 37 (2):200-201.
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  27. Zenonism as a source for the monads in the philosophy of Gottfried W. Leibniz: A response to Paolo Rossi.R. T. W. Arthur - 2003 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 58 (2):335-340.
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    Paolo Rossi. The Dark Abyss of Time. The History of the Earth and the History of Nations from Hooke to Vico. A translation by Lydia G. Cochrane of I Segni del Tempo . Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1985. Pp. xvi + 338. ISBN 0-226-72835-8. £36.75. [REVIEW]Rhoda Rappaport - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (3):362-363.
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    Lo zenonismo come fonte delle monadi di Leibniz: una risposta a Paolo Rossi.Richard Arthur - 2003 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Nietzsche and Adorno on Philosophical Praxis, Language, and Reconciliation: Towards an Ethics of Thinking.Paolo A. Bolaños - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book experiments with Nietzsche and Adorno who are contemporary proponents of early German Romanticism. By reconstructing the philosophies of language of these thinkers and their critique of metaphysics and identity thinking, this book develops a notion of philosophical praxis that is grounded in the ethical dimension of thinking.
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    Antonello La Vergata, L’evoluzione biologica da Linneo a Darwin. 1735-1871. Torino, Loescher, 1979. In-12, 12,5 × 19,5, 436 p. (Collection « Storia della Scienza », dirigée par Paolo Rossi, no 10). [REVIEW]Jacques Roger - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (95-96):496-497.
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    Visual P2p component responds to perceived numerosity.Paolo A. Grasso, Irene Petrizzo, Camilla Caponi, Giovanni Anobile & Roberto Arrighi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1014703.
    Numerosity perception is a key ability for human and non-human species, probably mediated by dedicated brain mechanisms. Electrophysiological studies revealed the existence of both early and mid-latency components of the Electrophysiological (EEG) signal sensitive to numerosity changes. However, it is still unknown whether these components respond to physical or perceived variation in numerical attributes. We here tackled this point by recording electrophysiological signal while participants performed a numerosity adaptation task, a robust psychophysical method yielding changes in perceived numerosity judgments despite (...)
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  33. Nietzsche and Adorno on philosophical praxis and language: a proviso to the ethics of thinking.Paolo A. Bolaños - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book experiments with Nietzsche and Adorno who are contemporary proponents of early German Romanticism. By reconstructing the philosophies of language of these thinkers, and their critique of metaphysics and identity thinking, this book develops a notion of philosophical praxis that is grounded in the ethical dimension of thinking.
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  34. Philosophy from the Standpoint of Damaged Life: Adorno on the Ethical Character of Thinking.Paolo A. Bolaños - 2012 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 16 (3):78-93.
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    Thought-pieces: Nietzschean reflections on anti-foundationalism, ethics, and politics.Paolo A. Bolaños - 2021 - Davao City, Philippines: Aletheia Printing and Publishing House.
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    Tradition and Topoi in Medieval Literature.Paolo A. Cherchi - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (2):281-294.
    It is embarrassing, to say the least, to admit in limine the impossibility of defining the key concepts of this paper, for I do not know either what tradition is or what topoi are. And what is even worse, I have no theoretical conclusions to present. But, after all, why define tradition? We all know what tradition is since it is one of the staples of our academic fare. Even the word itself is in great part an academic one. As (...)
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    Gelassenheit.Paolo A. Bolaños - 2019 - Kritike 13 (2):i-i.
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    Introduction to the Special Tribute Section: Abulad, Philosophy, and Intellectual Generosity.Paolo A. Bolaños - 2019 - Kritike 13 (2):1-15.
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  39. (1 other version)The Critical Role of Art: Adorno between Utopia and Dystopia.Paolo A. Bolanos - 2007 - Kritike 1 (1):25-31.
    Reading or hearing about Theodor Adorno's ideas always results in quibbles. He strikes many as a naïve philosopher because of his reversal of concept and object; some see him as an anarchist because of his relentless critique of rationality; while to others he simply does not make sense, and especially a critique of society based on negative dialectics simply does not make sense to many! These points, however, are precisely some of the key elements of his thought; without a deeper (...)
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  40. Il comparto sedimentario e la sua disponibilitatrofica per il macrozoobenthos in valle Fattibello e valle Spavola.G. Rossi, E. A. Fano & R. Rossi - 1999 - Laguna 5:42-51.
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  41. Primer zgodnjega spora med modernimi in postmodernimi Paolo Rossi Paragone degli ingegni moderni e postmoderni.Paolo Rossi - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
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    Temperature evolution of the boson peak and Debye scaling in vitreous B2O3.M. Zanatta, C. Armellini, A. Fontana & F. Rossi - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):2028-2033.
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    Influence of temperature on quasi-elastic scattering in GeO2glass.S. Caponi, A. Fontana, F. Rossi & M. Zanatta - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):1887-1893.
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  44. Pesca del novellame da allevamento: valutazione di un'attività e sue prospettive.S. Cataudella, P. Franzoi, A. Mazzola & R. Rossi - 1999 - Laguna 6:129-135.
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    Intensional Harmony as Isomorphism.Paolo Pistone & Luca Tranchini - 2024 - In Thomas Piecha & Kai F. Wehmeier (eds.), Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Springer. pp. 315-337.
    In the present paper we discuss a recent suggestion of Schroeder-Heister concerning the possibility of defining an intensional notion of harmony using isomorphism in second-order propositional logic. The latter is not an absolute notion, but its definition is relative to the choice of criteria for identity of proofs. In the paper, it is argued that in order to attain a satisfactory account of harmony, one has to consider a notion of identity stronger than the usual one (based on β- and (...)
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  46. Political Norms and Moral Values.Robert Jubb & Enzo Rossi - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40:455-458.
    This is a response to Erman and Moller's response to our reply to their 'Political Legitimacy in the Real Normative World', both also in this journal.
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    Leibniz e gli Zenonisti.Paolo Rossi - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  48. La storia della filosofia: il vecchio e il nuovo.Paolo Rossi - 1988 - Rivista di Filosofia 79 (2-3):545-568.
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  49. Storia della Scienza - voll.8.Paolo Rossi (ed.) - 1988 - Utet.
  50. Bacone e la Bibbia.Paolo Rossi - 1966 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 12.
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